Raven Cliff Falls

The rain had stopped finally. It seems like you get rain or cold weather at this time of year but rarely snow. It was in the 30’s and I wanted to go on a hike. I was moving slowly and was waiting for the weather to warm a little.

The people at the Piney Mountain Bike Lounge told me to try the Raven Cliff Falls at Caesars Head State Park. The state park was already on my list of places to checkout. I didn’t get to the trailhead until 1:45 pm. There was one parking spot left in the parking lot.

I brought the tripod and camera expecting to photograph the Raven Cliff Falls. The trail was rated moderate by AllTrails. The is an easy moderate trail. There aren’t many rocks to walk over and it is mostly a soft trail. This is a four mile trail that took slightly more than two hours with all the stops. From the photos on AllTrails, I expected to be able to get closeup photos of the falls. Another trail needs to be taken to get those photos of the falls.

I drove back to the campground and made dinner. I fried flour tortillas in the iron skillet and made a filling of onions, peppers, mushrooms and a quinoa / bean mixture topped with salsa. It was very tasty and I ate way too much.

After dinner I headed to downtown Greenville, SC to see Christmas lights and take some photographs. As I passed the river, I decided that would be a good place to get some photographs. The temperature was dropping as I got out of the car, and I put on gloves which didn’t seem to help very much.

All along the street there were interesting displays. I got a sense that the town, at least in this area, had money. An older couple came out of a bar, she was wearing a fur coat and they walked across the street to a large Mercedes-Benz.

I guess I looked out of place with a backpack, camera and tripod taking photographs at 10:00 pm. People stopped and asked what I was doing, or what did I do with the photographs. At the bridge, people didn’t want to pass and a group waited until I got the shots off. They were friendly and curious.

I lasted for about a half hour before my finger gave out from the cold.


Brasstown Falls


Rainy Day in Greenville, SC