Library Day in Cleveland, GA

It rained all night and was forecast to rain all day. Amicalola Falls would have to wait for another day. I had a bowl of cereal and then head to Starbucks for a coffee.

I then went to the library in Cleveland, GA to stay dry. They had table but they either had computers on them or didn’t have any outlets to charge the computer. They allowed me to move an extension cord that the Christmas tree was plugged into. They had five very outdated books on photography which I went through.

Mid-afternoon, I drove to Walmart to look for a small piece of luggage for my trip on Friday. I basically needed a small carryon that could hold my camera, computer and a few pieces of clothing. For $75, I found something that was perfect. I also, realize that I could use it to organize clothing on top of the car and save me shuffling things.

I was a little chilled and wanted a cup of coffee and headed back to Starbucks. I received a call from one of my sons while I was in the parking lot outside of Starbucks. We were talking for about five minutes when a police car pulled up between me and the car to my right.

Do You Have A Hammer

The officer was there for about 10 minutes talking to a guy on the other side. The officer pulled away and the guy started walking towards me. He came to the window, and as I rolled down the window he asked me, “Do you have a hammer?”. I wasn’t sure I understood, so I said, “You need a hammer?” I told my son that I would call him back.

This guy proceeded to explain that he had locked his keys in his car and needed to break the car window to get his keys. He said the police tried to help him and said if you lock keys in a Lexus, it isn’t possible to get them out. He didn’t have insurance or AAA. I kept saying to him, there must be a better way. Eventually, I relented and gave him a sledge hammer that I use for driving tent stakes (yes a little over kill).

He swung the hammer a few times and couldn’t break the window. Another guy in the jeep beside him moved the Jeep and he was able to get a much bigger swing. After a few tries, he was able to shatter the back right rear window. There were small shards everywhere.

He handed the hammer back to me covered with small glass shards. I found a paper towel and wiped it down. I watched as he reached in the back seat and grabbed his keys. I wondered why the keys were on the back seat. Mind you, it is raining even harder by now and the rain is going in the car filled with glass.

I called my son back and explained the story about the hammer. We talked for a while and caught up on my trip to visit over the weekend.


There was no way I was going to prepare a meal in the deluge at the campground. So, I found what looked like the best restaurant in the area, Clyde's Table and Tavern. I had the Faroe Island Salmon with a mixed salad and a beer. The food was good.

I headed back to the campsite and another night of heavy rain. I made sure nothing could be damaged if water got into the tent. I put most of the electronics in the car.


Alpine Helen GA


Hike Yonah Mountain