Drive To Little Rock, AK

I left the campground in Natchez State Park around 11:30 am. I met some interesting people at the campground and chatted for a while before leaving.

The journey towards Little Rock lasted roughly 5.5 hours, including several stops along the way. The roads leading north towards the Little Rock stretch out for miles, with views of the surrounding countryside. The vast open spaces offered many varied scenes of farm country, trains, collapsed buildings, flooding, unique displays. Certainly, crossing the Mississippi River, the longest river in the United States was very special.

I was struck by the amount of flooding I saw. I assume this is from the storm of two nights before. It seems that the flat enclosed land prevents efficient water drainage. I saw cattle walking in water to get to grass. I could only image what might happen with larger storms.

In Arkansa, I saw trains that were several miles long, mostly oil tankers. I haven’t seen trains that long since Pennsylvania. There were also a lot of collapsed buildings all along my route.

As I pulled into Little Rock, it began to rain.


Little Rock, AR


Natchez - Day2